This README is Work-In-Progress! There may be errors or deprecated settings in here.
data/ -> g+w data/viewers/ -> g+w logs/ -> g+w src/Features/Steam/gamelist.php -> g+w
This is based on Crease29's Twitch bot but it comes with a different structure.
- PHP 5.2 with CLI access
- A account
- Download this repository
- Extract it to a lovely place where you can execute PHP
- Run
php composer.phar install
to install the dependencies and craete the initial configuration - During the install you'll be able to configure the bot. Fill the values according to the config documentation below
- Start the bot daemon via:
php bin/run
- If you want to stop the daemon:
php bin/run --stop
List of available twitch chat servers: (Please choose one from Main Chat with ws_irc protocol)
Example: ""
Port of IRC server.
Example: 6667
The twitch username of your bot.
Example: "Nightbot"
Get it from
Example: "oauth:abcdefghi123456789"
The name of the channel your bot shall connect to (lowercase!).
Example: "saitholp"
Example: "...."
Prefix of the commands the bot shall react to.
Example: "!"
Defines which language should be used by Config
Example: "en"
Seperate multiples by comma without spaces! (lowercase)
Example: "user1,user2"
Seperate multiples by comma without spaces (lowercase!) Example: user1,user2; users on this list can't use commands
Example: "user1,user2"
Defines how much RAM usage in MB is okay for the bot. If the RAM usage is higher than this config value there will be warnings in CLI.
Example: 5
Defines how long the loop of the main thread sleeps before looking for new messages (in seconds).
Example: 0.2
If set to 1 the currency feature is activated.
Example: 1
If set to 1 the steam feature is activated.
Example: 1
Sends all available commands in the chat.
This is a static command that can also be removed in config/static_commands.ini
This is a static command that can also be removed in config/static_commands.ini
This is a static command that can also be removed in config/static_commands.ini
Sends all available commands in the chat.
This is a static command with a placeholder that can also be removed in config/static_commands.ini
This is a queue manager for viewergames (example usage).
Available commands:
- !queue join
- !queue get (mod only)
- !queue list (mod only)
- !queue clear (mod only)
Says hello to the sender or first command parameter.
Available commands:
- !welcome
- !welcome
The currency feature comes with an own daemon that watches the viewers and awards currency.
This daemon has to be started manually (at the moment) via: php bin/run currency
(add --stop
to stop it).
Prints (or whispers) the currency amount the user has.
Transfers an amount to another user.