
How to reproduce it


My environment: Cursive 1.9.4-2020.2 on Intellij IDEA 2020.2.3 Ultimate Edition.

My module settings

  • top module top-module
  • module-a module-a
  • module-b module-b

My repl settings REPL


  • setup
$ lein modules :checkouts
$ lein modules install
  • Start module-a REPL.
  • Load module-a.core with C-c C-k. (Emacs keybindings)
  • Evaluate (b.core/foo "hoge") in module-a.core. It prints "hoge Hello, World!".
  • Edit b.core/foo like this:
(defn foo
  "I don't do a whole lot."
  (println "changed") ;; editied
  (println x "Hello, World!"))
  • Load module-a.core again with C-c C-k. (Emacs keybindings)
  • Evaluate (b.core/foo "hoge") in module-a.core. This doesn't print changed.

I think it printed changed without restart before the update of this September.

Currently, we need to run lein modules install and to restart the REPL to reflect the changes to module-b. Current behavior is awkward for REPL driven development.