
SendBird Sample App built with React Native

Primary LanguageJavaScript


This is a sample chat application which is using SendBird. SendBird is a SaaS to offer messaging SDK and chat API for mobile apps and websites.



I would like to investigate SendBird, so I created this. If you also want to research SendBird, I hope you will find this useful.

How to use

  1. Register SendBird, and create an app. Then you can get App ID, please make a note of it.
  2. Clone this repo.
$ git clone https://github.com/saitoxu/SendBirdSample.git
  1. Rewrite app id and user ids in src/SendBirdSample.js.
$ vim src/SendBirdSample.js
// here
const sb = new SendBird({ 'appId': 'YOUR_APP_ID' })
const myUserId = 'hoge'
const friendUserId = 'fuga'
  1. Start the app.
$ react-native run-ios

I recommend to use SendBird-JavaScript/web-sample for chat partner.