Build for Bharat - Catalog indexing engine

This repo has code as submission for Build for Bharat - ONDC Hackathon

Team Details:

  • Nanda Teja Rajasekharuni
  • Varun Kruthiventi
  • Adiluddin Mohammed
  • Ranjith Reddy

Dataset used for problem

High Level Architecture

High Level Architecture


  • Backend Service (UI, Data ingestion endpoint)
  • Elasticsearch
  • Kibana
  • Kafka
  • MongoDB
  • Redis
  • Celery

Video Presentation

Instructions for setup

  • The repository uses Makefile for orchestrating the services.
  • .env file has config parameters related to Elasticsearch, Kibana, MongoDB

Starting the Docker Services

make start

Verify if the containers are up and running.

docker compose ps

Application UI can be accessed here: http://localhost:80 Swagger Docs can be accessed here: http://localhost:80/docs

Initial Data Load

In the first step, the product catalog data will be ingested into the system without vectorization. It will be done using http://localhost:80/documents/index endpoint.

Note: This endpoint also supports vectorization as feature flag. If enabled in the payload, it can index the vector embeddings of the product details as well.

make initial_load

Once the script is executed successfully, the documents count can be verified here: http://localhost/document_count

Async Data Load

In this step, we use a script to ingest data into the system using a Kafka Producer. This allows integration with external systems and CDC applications.

make load_async
  • The speed of ingestion varies based on the ML model being used for vectorization of the product attributes.
  • The ingestion also depends on the infrastructure being used for vectorization. In our application, we have used CPU based infrastructure for ease of demo. GPU based infra can accelerate the vector based ingestion speed.
  • In this application, we are using l3cube-pune/indic-sentence-similarity-sbert model from Huggingface.

Load Testing

We have prepared locust based script to perform loadtest on the data ingestion endpoint. It can be run with the below command:

locust -f src/tests/ --host http://localhost:80

Note: The repo has Elasticsearch and Kafka in single node setup which can be used for demonstration purposes. To perform a test with large scale ingestion requests or search requests, Elastic and Kafka needs to be configured in a high availability mode with multiple nodes to ensure maximum performance. Based on the configuration od these two systems, the load test results can vary.
