
This is a Simple Speech to Text Model Developed using Python

Primary LanguagePython

Speech-to-Text Converter

This Python script converts the Speech input into Text using NLP (Natural Langauge Processing).


Installation Required :

  • Python Speech Recognition module:

    pip install speechrecognition

  • PyAudio:

    • Use the following command for linux users

      sudo apt-get install python3-pyaudio

    • Windows users can install pyaudio by executing the following command in a terminal

      pip install pyaudio

  • Python pyttsx3 module:

    pip install pyttsx3

How to run the script

  • Enter the audio input by speaking into the microphone.
  • Run speech.py on Terminal
  • Output Text will be displayed in project folder with name "Output.txt"

Author Name

[Sai Kumar Bhimarasetty](https://github.com/saiwebpro/speech-to-text