
Start an interactive shell in an ephemeral directory

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Start an interactive shell in an ephemeral directory.

Invoke shstash with no arguments to start a new interactive shell.

% shstash
% pwd

Arguments to shstash are passed through to the shell.

The ephemeral directory is automatically removed after the shell terminates.

% echo $SHLVL
% shstash -c 'echo $SHLVL && pwd'
% stat /private/var/tmp/shstash-613225361
stat: /private/var/tmp/shstash-613225361: stat: No such file or directory

Ephemeral directories are created beneath /var/tmp by default. On many Unix-like operating systems, the entries beneath this directory are not automatically removed with the passage of time, which can be a useful property when conducting long-running experiments on scratch data. An alternative root directory, which must already exist, may be specified with SHSTASH_ROOT.

% SHSTASH_ROOT=~/stash shstash -c pwd

Shell exit status is propagated.

% shstash -c 'exit 123'
% echo $?

Shell selection is influenced by the values of the SHSTASH_SHELL and SHELL environment variables. SHSTASH_SHELL need not be a true shell. The value of the PATH environment variable is used to resolve non-absolute paths.

% SHSTASH_SHELL=pwd shstash
% SHSTASH_SHELL=python shstash -c 'import os; print(os.getcwd())'

The shell is terminated, and the ephemeral directory is removed, upon receipt of SIGINT, SIGTERM, or SIGQUIT.

% shstash -c 'pwd && mkfifo foo && cat foo' & ; pid=$! ; sleep 3 ; kill $pid
[1] 98738
[1]  + exit 143   shstash -c 'pwd && mkfifo foo && cat foo'
% stat /private/var/tmp/shstash-676656683
stat: /private/var/tmp/shstash-676656683: stat: No such file or directory

shstash signals its child with SIGTERM upon receipt of SIGINT or SIGTERM. shstash signals its child with SIGKILL upon receipt of SIGQUIT.