
• Here, a secure multi-keyword ranked search scheme over encrypted cloud data is presented using JAVA as the frontend technology and backend as MySQL.• Specifically, the vector space model and the widely-used “term frequency (TF) × inverse document frequency(IDF)” model are combined in the index construction and query generation to provide multi-keyword ranked search.• We construct a special tree-based index structure and propose a “Greedy Depth-first Search” algorithm to provide efficient multi-keyword ranked search. • The secure kNN algorithm is utilized to encrypt the index and query vectors, and to ensure accurate relevance score calculation between encrypted index and query vectors. • To resist different attacks in different threat models, we construct two secure search schemes: the basic dynamic multi-keyword ranked search (BDMRS) scheme in the known ciphertext model, and the enhanced dynamic multi-keyword ranked search (EDMRS) scheme in the known background model.

Primary LanguageJava

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