This package provides MATLAB demos for the below class of learning methods are provided in dynamic MRI and diffusion MRI applications.
a) Sparsity and low rank constrained reconstruction (k-t SLR) [1]
b) Blind compressed sensing (BCS) [2] [3]
c) Explicit motion compensated recovery: Deformation correction compressed sensing (DC-CS) [4]
d) Patch based regularization for implicit motion compensation (PRICE) [5]
e) Smoothness regularization on a manifold (STORM) [6]
f) Multi shot sensitivity encoded diffusion data recovery using structured low rank matrix completion (MUSSELS) [7]
Demos are based on example raw single coil and multi coil Cartesian and non-Cartesian k-space datasets from a variety of applications involving arbitrary spatio-temporal dynamics and contrast changes. These include free breathing ungated cardiac cine MRI, free breathing myocardial perfusion MRI, vocal tract MRI during speech, multi-parametric MRI, and multi-shot diffusion weighted EPI.
[1] Lingala, S. G., Hu, Y., DiBella, E., & Jacob, M. (2011). Accelerated dynamic MRI exploiting sparsity and low-rank structure: kt SLR. IEEE transactions on medical imaging, 30(5), 1042-1054.
[2] Lingala, S. G., & Jacob, M. (2013). Blind compressive sensing dynamic MRI. IEEE transactions on medical imaging, 32(6), 1132-1145.
[3] Bhave, S., Lingala, S. G., Johnson, C. P., Magnotta, V. A., & Jacob, M. (2016). Accelerated whole‐brain multi‐parameter mapping using blind compressed sensing. Magnetic resonance in medicine, 75(3), 1175-1186.
[4] Lingala, S. G., DiBella, E., & Jacob, M. (2014). Deformation corrected compressed sensing (DC-CS): a novel framework for accelerated dynamic MRI. IEEE transactions on medical imaging, 34(1), 72-85.
[5] Mohsin, Y. Q., Lingala, S. G., DiBella, E., & Jacob, M. (2017). Accelerated dynamic MRI using patch regularization for implicit motion compensation. Magnetic resonance in medicine, 77(3), 1238-1248.
[6] Ahmed, A. H., Zhou, R., Yang, Y., Nagpal, P., Salerno, M., & Jacob, M. (2020). Free-Breathing and Ungated Dynamic MRI Using Navigator-Less Spiral SToRM. IEEE Transactions on Medical Imaging, 39(12), 3933-3943.
[7] Mani M, Aggarwal HK, Magnotta V, Jacob M. Improved MUSSELS reconstruction for high-resolution multi-shot diffusion weighted imaging. Magn Reson Med. 2020 Jun;83(6):2253-2263. doi: 10.1002/mrm.28090. Epub 2019 Dec 2. PMID: 31789440.
Sajan Lingala (
Merry Mani (
Abdul Haseeb Ahmed (
Mathews Jacob (