
Blazor dotnet 8 boilerplate todo application integrated with tailwind flowbite.

Primary LanguageCSS

The Blazor Dotnet 8 Fullstack boilerplate

A simple fullstack todo application boilerplate code. Styles are intergrated with tailwind and flowbite plugin.


  • Dotnet 8 & Node js for tailwind support (Optional).
  • Postgres database instance running in your local or in the cloud.


  • Clone this repo
  • Install all the required dependencies
  • Update database connection string in the appsettings.json based on your preference.
  • Run migrations dotnet ef migrations Add InitialCreate
    • Run database update dotnet ef database update
  • Generate tailwind npx tailwindcss -i wwwroot/entrypoint.css -o wwwroot/app.css
  • Finally dotnet watch run


  • Build the docker image docker build -t dotnet8 .
  • Run docker run --name todoapp -p 80:8080 --env ConnectionStrings:DefaultConnection="Server=tyke.db.elephantsql.com;User Id=exadrrcg;Database=exadrrcg;Password=mAO7ezDVYYjfxQ1SoJfFM3Yzx-qBD8p5;" --env ASPNETCORE_ENVIRONMENT=Production dotnet8
  • The above database connection i am pointing to elephantsql.com it is free version of postgresql cloud. Create one and update the docker env connection strings.