
A simple python program that takes a sqlite db file and writes it to a Flat File Destination (text file) with the allotted field lengths

Primary LanguagePython


A simple python program that takes a sqlite db file and writes it to a Flat File Destination (text file) with the allotted field lengths. (It makes more sense after you run the program.)

What You Need

  1. A sqlite db file.
  2. A sql query that selects (and/or formats) the fields.
  3. A text file that contains the maximum field lengths, seperated by commas.
  4. A clone of this repo
  5. Python installed on your system


  1. Go to the command line.
  2. cd into the directory you cloned the repo to.
  3. Type python untitled.py
  4. Enter the info.
  5. The End.