
This is an E-Commerce Website

Primary LanguageCSS

Django E-commerce Website.

Cloning the repository

--> Clone the repository using the command below :

git clone https://github.com/sajib1066/django-ecommerce.git

--> Move into the directory where we have the project files :

cd django-ecommerce

--> Create a virtual environment :

# Create our virtual environment
python -m venv venv

--> Activate the virtual environment :




source venv/bin/activate

--> Install the requirements :

pip install -r requirements.txt

--> Migrate Database

python manage.py migrate

--> Create Super User

python manage.py createsuperuser

Running the App

--> To run the App, we use :

python manage.py runserver

⚠ Then, the development server will be started at

App Preview :


Landing page

More view on landing page


You can check up django documentation page for any further information. Django Docs