
My codes for the problems I solved. The problems are mainly from LightOJ, UVA, Codeforces, SPOJ etc.

Primary LanguageC++


My codes for the problems I solved. The problems are mainly from LightOJ, UVA, Codeforces, SPOJ etc.
N.B: All these codes were bulk uploaded, which is also many days later after actually writing them. So, I couldn't test them before uploading. As a result, there are few codes which are incomplete or gives a wrong solution. Please test the codes at first by submitting them in OJ before using them.


It is the collection of all the Algorithms and Data Structures I learned throughout my entire competitive programming career. Most of them are implemented by hand by myself. A few of them are taken from seniors/internet.
Some Algo/DS are embedded in problems, means that I implemented those algorithms solving problems and kept those applications directly rather than keeping the raw code of the algo/DS.
I printed them out and used them in contests. So, I made versions of folders containing different codes.