
Sensors for use with the Balloon

Primary LanguageArduino

On the balloon we aim for data logging instead of real-time transmission. The
balloon is to be brought down periodically to collect data. Data is collected
using an onboard uLog.

We use BMP085 to measure absolute pressure. This also provides the temperature
value. BMP085 uses a Two Wire protocol for data transmission and operates
at 3.3V.  Analog Pin 5 is used for SCL and Analog Pin 4 for SDA.

We use HH10D to measure relative humidity. A Two Wire interface is needed
to read calibration coefficients from its onboard EEPROM. However we 
read it for once, record it in the sensor code, and never use the Two Wire
interface thereafter. The data is output as encoded frequency and output through
the middle pin.

uLog is a Serial Logger. Data is send through the TX line of the microcontroller