This README would normally document whatever steps are necessary to get the application up and running.
This application depends on Ruby 2.0 and Ruby on Rails 4.0
Clone the project
git clone
Setup the database
a) Posqtgresql database is being used in this application. To start with a clean database run:
rake db:drop db:setup
b) Run the database migrations with:
rake db:migrate
For use community view the application needs a custom asset pipeline
Before starting the application export THEME key as follow:
export THEME='name_asset_pipeline'
You need create your files associated with THEME
For example: THEME='rubycommunity'
views/rubycommunity <- all views
For authentication it uses OmniAuth with a Github provider. Before starting the application export Github OAuth keys as follow:
export GITHUB_KEY='client_id'
export GUTHUB_SECRET='client_secret'
These keys are being used in the omniauth.rb initializer
For SMTP it uses ActionMailer with SendGrid Account. Before starting the application export SendGrid account keys as follow:
export APP_DOMAIN='app_name_domain'
export SENDGRID_USERNAME='sendgrid_username'
export SENDGRID_PASSWORD='sendgrid_password'
These keys are being used in the smtp_setup.rb initializer
To restrict access to the CrowdBlog admin section it uses the publishers enviroment variable. Before starting the application export Publishers key as follow:
export PUBLISHERS='an_eamil, another_email'
This key is being used in the crowdblog.rb initializer
For disqus it uses Crowdblog. Before starting the application export disqus shortname key as follow:
export DISQUS_KEY='shortname'
These key is being used in the crowdblog.rb initializer
For cache it uses MemCachier which will work with Dalli. Before starting the application you’ll need to pass the proper credentials to Dalli as follow:
export ENV["MEMCACHIER_SERVERS"]='memcachier_servers'
export ENV["MEMCACHIER_USERNAME"]='memcachier_username'
export ENV["MEMCACHIER_PASSWORD"]='memcachier_password'
These keys are being used in the production.rb environment
To implement Twitter functionalities it uses the gem Twitter with OAuth Access and Tokens. Before starting the application export Twitter OAuth keys as follow:
export TWITTER_CONSUMER_KEY='consumer_key'
export TWITTER_CONSUMER_SECRET='consumer_secret'
export TWITTER_OAUTH_TOKEN='access_token'
export TWITTER_OAUTH_TOKEN_SECRET='access_token_secret'
These keys are being used in the twitter.rb initializer
To implement the "I Like" fucntion of Facebook it uses Socialite which needs a Facebook AppId. Before starting the application export Facebook AppId key as follow:
export FACEBOOK_APPID='facebook_application_id'
This key is being used in the community.rb initializer
Minitest is used to test this app so all tests can been found in the /test directory. For integration tests minitest with capybara is being used.
To run the tests use the following rake tasks:
rake test
rake test:models
rake test:controllers
rake test:integration
Puma is the web server used for this application, so to start puma server with foreman run:
foreman start
This command will start puma server on localhost at port 5000,