
What is the deal about Haskell parallelism?

Primary LanguageHaskellMIT LicenseMIT


bmp2xpm is an embarrassingly simple image processing program which converts BMP (v3) files to XPM (v3) files. I'm writing this to get a better idea of parallel programming in Haskell.

To build and run this program, do this:

cabal build
cabal exec bmp2xpm input.bmp output.xpm

Use a sandbox if you need to.

For a profiling build, do this:

ghc -O2 -rtsopts -threaded -prof -auto-all Main.hs -o Main.exe

We will need profiling libraries. We might also need ghc-prof.

To review eventlog under ThreadScope, compile the program like below, run the program, and then open the resulting Main.exe.eventlog file in ThreadScope:

ghc -O2 -rtsopts -threaded -eventlog Main.hs -o Main.exe

Note that -eventlog and -prof are mutually incompatible.