
Filter packets from Azure V-TAP

Primary LanguageCMIT LicenseMIT


This repository contains a sample program written in C to interpret packets from Azure V-TAP by removing the VxLAN header and printing packet details


  1. VTAP is still in private preview and instructions on how to enroll in the preview can be found here. Without being enrolled, you will not be able to use VTAP
  2. VTAP can be configured only from Azure CLI versions >= 2.0.46
  3. Enable VTAP extension to Azure CLI by running az extension add -n virtual-network-tap


  1. Create a Resource Group, with a single VNET
  2. Create two subnets - subnet0 and subnet1
  3. Create 2 VMs (Ubuntu 18.04) - we'll call them MonitoredVM1 and MonitoredVM2 in subnet0 and subnet1 respectively
  4. Create another VM (OS: Ubuntu 18.04) - we'll call it CollectorVM in subnet0
  5. Go here and follow steps outlined. Note that the destination for the virtual network TAP is going to be the network interface on the CollectorVM
  6. Login to the collector VM and run the following commands:
    • sudo apt-get update
    • sudo apt-get upgrade -y
    • sudo apt-get install build-essential libpcap-dev -y
    • cd; git clone https://github.com/sajitsasi/vtap-packet-filter.git
    • cd vtap-packet-filter/src/packetfilter
    • make
  7. Now you're ready to start capturing. To do so, run sudo ~/vtap-packet-filter/src/packetfilter/vtap-pf -i eth0 and you should start seeing the de-encapsulated packets from the two VMs


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