
A simple useful library for indexing files in java project

Primary LanguageJava

Java File Indexer

A simple useful library for indexing files in java project


Download FileIndexer.jar and add into your project, or you can use it on android project by the following procedure:

  • Add it in your root build.gradle at the end of repositories:
allprojects {
	repositories {
		maven { url 'https://jitpack.io' }
  • Step 2. Add the dependency
dependencies {
    implementation 'com.github.sajjad-amin:Java-File-Indexer:v1.0.0'

The base class is FileIndexer and it has two static inner class - FileIndexer.FileInfo, FileIndexer.Filter and two method indexAll(), search(). Both methods are return an ArrayList which contains FileIndexer.FileInfo class.

search() accepts two parameters -

  1. String path

    location of directory where you want to search

  2. String keyword

    search() method will match file and directory names containing this keyword and return only matched items

indexAll() accepts four parameters -

  1. String

    Location of directory where you want to start indexing

  2. Boolian

    If it true, then it will access all sub directories and their sub directories. Otherwise it will ignore sub directories.

  3. Boolean

    If it true, then it will accept everything. Otherwise it will ignore hidden directories and files.

  4. FileIndexer.Filter

    If you want to accept only spacific types of file like- mp4, mp3, dox etc. you can create a Filter and pass on it. Otherwise you can leav it by passing null. for example -

    new FileIndexer.Filter(new String[]{"mp4","mp3","dox"})

In FileIndexer.FileInfo class, there are 7 methods -

  1. getFile()
    • Type : File
    • Returns File object
  2. getAbsolutePath()
    • Type : String
    • Returns absolute path of file
  3. getName()
    • Type : String
    • Returns file name
  4. getSize()
    • Type : Long
    • Returns total byte of file
  5. getSizeInKB()
    • Type : String
    • Returns file size in KB
  6. getSizeInMB()
    • Type : String
    • Returns file size in MB
  7. getSimpleSize()
    • Type : String
    • Returns file size according to Byte/KB/MB


ArrayList<FileIndexer.FileInfo> list;

FileIndexer indexer = new FileIndexer();

String path = "/home/sayem/Videos";

FileIndexer.Filter filter = new FileIndexer.Filter(new String[]{"mp4","mkv"});

list = indexer.indexAll(path,true,true,filter);

for (FileIndexer.FileInfo info : list){
    System.out.println("Path : "+info.getAbsolutePath());
    System.out.println("Size : "+info.getSimpleSize());

list = indexer.search(path, "movies");

for (FileIndexer.FileInfo info : list){
    System.out.println("Path : "+info.getAbsolutePath());
    System.out.println("Size : "+info.getSimpleSize());