
Powerful free and single -page editor usable on all sites developed with Sajjad

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Eftekhari Website Editor developed by Sajjad Eftekhari Powerful free and single -page editor usable on all sites

Donate Sajjad Sftekhari

Set the $chek_dir[1] in line 81 and run the websiteedite.php

  $chek_dir[1]     =   __DIR__ . '/';
 //  $chek_dir[2]  =   __DIR__ . '/../../app/Http/Controllers';
 //  $chek_dir[3]  =   __DIR__ . '/../../public/';
  • In Larvel you should

  • 1 Move the websiteedite.php to the views

  • and change the

  • 2 <input type="hidden" name="_token" value="<? //=csrf_token() ?>" />

  • to the

  • <input type="hidden" name="_token" value="<?=csrf_token() ?>" />

  • 3 and add get and post or any request in routes like this

Route::any('/websiteedite', function () {
    return view('websiteedite');

Eftekhari_Website_Editor1.jpg Eftekhari_Website_Editor2.jpg