
  1. Package your Lambda function Open a terminal or command prompt.

Navigate to the directory containing your Lambda function code.

  • Install any necessary dependencies:

npm install

  • Package your Lambda function using the following command:

zip -r .

This command creates a ZIP file named containing your Lambda function code and dependencies.

  1. Create the Lambda function in AWS Lambda Open the AWS Management Console and navigate to the Lambda service.

Click on "Create function" to create a new Lambda function.

Choose a function name and select the runtime environment appropriate for your code (e.g., Node.js).

Under "Function code," select "Upload a .zip file" as the code entry type.

Click on "Upload" and select the file you created earlier.

Set the "Handler" field to the filename and function name that AWS Lambda should invoke (e.g., index.handler).

Configure any necessary environment variables, memory, timeout, and other settings for your Lambda function.

Click on "Create function" to create the Lambda function.

  1. Test your Lambda function Within the AWS Lambda function page, navigate to the "Test" tab.

Click on "Configure test events" and create a new test event.

Provide a name for the test event and define the event payload that your Lambda function expects.

Click on "Create" to save the test event.

Back on the "Test" tab, select the test event you created from the dropdown.

Click on "Test" to invoke your Lambda function with the selected test event.

Review the function's execution results and any logs generated by your code.

Congratulations! You have successfully packaged your Lambda function, deployed it to AWS Lambda, and tested its execution.