Trajectory Data Warehouses for MobilityDB

MobilityDB Logo

MobilityDB is an open source software program that adds support for temporal and spatio-temporal objects to the PostgreSQL database and its spatial extension PostGIS.

This repository contains code and the documentation for running an implementation of a Trajectory Data Warehouse into MobilityDB using MobilityDB-BerlinMOD to generate data.


In order to begin with this project you can configure our scripts (in the folder scripts of the repository) in order to be compliant with your internal configuration. Make sure to not let your password visible in deployment and change it. Here for an educational purpose passwords are simple but do not take those scripts as secure.

How to use


As a requirement you need MobilityDB-BerlinMOD to run the requests. You can use my personnal script for installation of the dependency.

Data generation

In order to generate data with our conceptual model you can use this command with parameter s to define the scalefactor

  • Change directory to the scripts one

      cd scripts
  • Run the scripts with a defined scalefactor (0.005 if not defined)

      ./ -s $scalefactor


In order to benchmark the data warehouse you can use the python script that run the 8 queries and output in terminal a latex table in order to do a benchmark on different scale there is the script that can do that and output in different file the latex tables. python3 > "benchmark.tex" ./