
This is a knowledge base application built on the MEAN stack.

Primary LanguageJavaScript


This is a Knowledge Base application built on the MEAN stack. A version of it is currently in production at [UIC's Learning Technology Solutions department] (ltskb.uic.edu).

View a demo of the application in action HERE.

Architecture Overview

All active documents are retrieved form the MongoDB and cached on server startup. Every time documents are updated via the GUI, updates to the document cache is queued on the server and seperately for MongoDB. This is to ensure that documents are up-to-date on the server, even if the MongoDB is temporarily unreachable.

Session information is carried in JWTs (JSON Web Tokens). Each token has an expiry of 1 hour from the last time they are used after which the session is automatically destroyed.

User information is stored in a MySQL database (can be easily updated to any MS SQL Server or Oracle DB). All passwords are salted and then hashed before being stored in the MySQL DB.

All document updates and user account updates are logged in activity accumulator tables in detail so as to allow detailed tracking. This will make any admin approved changes easy to revert if needed.

As of now, there are 3 levels of access to the KnowledgeBase:

  • User: This is the general user access and allows users to search documents as well as propose new docuemnt additions.
  • Admin: In addition to User access, Admins are able to add new users to the knowledge base, update current documents (edit or retire), and approve User submitted doucments.
  • SuperUser: Only a SuperUser may access certain endpoints of the API (non-GUI) with a valid authentication JST. Please refer to the Routes for API section in controllers/apiController.js to see what they are.

Document Indexing and Retrival

Each document is first tokenized, stop words are removed, and then words are stemmed (stemming can be controlled).

Next, each document is passed into the index which contains the universal indexes and stores all the tokens and document lookups.

All query tokens are passed through the same pipeline that document tokens are passed through, so any language processing involved will be run on every query term.

Each query term is expanded, so that the term 'he' might be expanded to 'hello' and 'help' if those terms were already included in the index.

Matching documents are returned as an array of objects, each object contains the matching document ref, as set for this index, and the similarity score for this document against the query. The score computation can also be changed in the controller (GUI version of this in the works).


In order to use use the application to its fullest, the following steps must be taken:

  • Update app.js with the correct port on which the node application will attach a listener to
  • Add smtp credetials to create a nodemailer transporter to:
    • models/sendUserInitiationTemplate.js
    • models/sendPasswordResetTemplate.js
  • Update domainURL with the base domain URL (web endpoint) in controllers/apiController.js
  • Create MySQL DB with schema information in MySQL folder
  • Create a MongoDB for the application
    • Once the MongoDB has been created, the setup controller in controllers/setupController.js can be used to add dummy documents for testing
  • Update MySQL and MongoDB information in config/config.json

Once the above steps are complete, the Knowledge Base is ready to be used.

Future Additions and To Dos:

To continually improve the application, the following non-exhaustive list of items are on the list:

  • Web interface to allow users to fully configure the type of fields ('Title', 'Category', 'Subcategory', 'Tags', etc.) that can be used to index and tag documents, how the index is built, and how the documents are scored to match user-inputted queries (are specific fields weighted more?).
  • Ability to allow bulk document uploading so initial setups are fast
  • Dynamically built document tags (Machine Learning application)
  • Dynamically built cache of most relevant (average recency of use vs. average frequency of use) articles to transfer on load


Shahbaz Ali Khan