
Template for github blog hosting.

Has Features:

  1. feed support
  2. post category support
  3. github comments


  1. add the following line in pelicanconf.py to enabled fenced code.
MARKDOWN = {"extensions": ["fenced_code", "codehilite"]}
  1. copy theme folder to your repo.
  2. add the following line in pelicanconf.py to use the theme.
THEME = "./theme"
  1. add the following line in pelicanconf.py to use 404 page.
TEMPLATE_PAGES = { "404.html": "404.html" }

Github comments

  1. add the following line in publishconf.py to use github comments.
GITHUB_REPO  = "github repo name"
GITHUB_OWNER = "github user name"
  1. update field assignees in .github/ISSUE_TEMPLATE/comments-issue.md to github user name.

Writing Posts

  1. create content folder (if not existing).
  2. create articles folder in above folder (if not existing).
  3. create category folder for the post in above folder (if not existing).
  4. create a post with "year-month-day_slug for post.md" name.
  5. add following yaml front matter.
issue: github-issue-number
status: published-or-unpublished
summary: summary-of-post 
tags: comma-separated-tags
title: title-of-post
  1. following this content add your post in markdown format

Coming Soon

Todo list is here.