This is a test assignment for the Senior Golang Engineer position at BlockRockSouth.
Нужно разработать приложение, которое через веб предоставляет список
устройств в формате protobuf, включая тип (мышь, клавиатура, прочее),
device path, vendorid, productid.
Questions | Answers |
1 разработать протобаф схему | |
1.1 Тип устройства должен быть перечислением или текстовым полем? | Перечисление |
1.2 device path - строка или структура описывающая пусть (если структура то какие поля в ней пресутствуют) | трока |
1.3 vendorid, productid - целые числа или uuid | uuid |
1.4 какой должен быть канал одиночный или стримы, если стримы то в каком направлении | одиночный |
1.5 Должны ли быть пагинация или другие служебные данные в теле запроса | нет |
2 Реализовать протобаф сервер с поддержкой этого api | |
2.1 где должны храниться данные которые будут отдавться по protobuf api ? файл? база данных? память? | память |
2.2 Должно ли программа как-то особенно обрабатывать ошибки? | нет |
2.3 надо ли контейнеризировать приложение? | нет |
2.4 Ожидается ли покрытие тестами логики приложения в рамках тестового задания? | нет |
В каком виде ожидается сдача задания? гит репозитои? zip архив? иное? | В виде гита |
|-- Dockerfile
|-- Makefile
|-- cli
| |-- device_consumer
| | `-- main.go
| `-- device_provider
| `-- main.go
|-- go.mod
|-- go.sum
|-- proto
| `-- device-service.proto
`-- src
|-- devices
| |-- provider.go
| `-- service.go
|-- proto-gen
| `-- proto
| |-- device-service.pb.go
| `-- device-service_grpc.pb.go
`-- repos
|-- in_memory_repos.go
`-- repos.go
- Dockerfile: Dockerfile for dev container.
- Makefile: The makefile for building and running project.
- The README file for the project, which contains instructions and other information.
- cli/device_consumer/main.go: The entry point for the device consumer CLI client.
- cli/device_provider/main.go: The entry point for the device provider server.
- go.mod and go.sum: The Go module files.
- proto/device-service.proto: The Protocol Buffers file defining the gRPC service.
- src/devices/provider.go: The implementation of the gRPC service.
- src/devices/service.go: The server logic for starting the gRPC service.
- src/proto-gen/proto/device-service.pb.go and src/proto-gen/proto/device-service_grpc.pb.go: The Go code generated from the .proto file.
- src/repos/in_memory_repos.go: The implementation of the device repository using an in-memory data store.
- src/repos/repos.go: The interface definition for the device repository.
- Run server
make run-server &
- Run client with list command
make list-device
- cli client help
go run ./cli/device_consumer/main.go -address localhost:50051 -help
- Regenerate protobuf
make proto
$ make run-server &
[1] 73766
go run ./cli/device_provider/main.go -port 50051 -logtostderr
I0522 07:04:08.629708 73885 service.go:21] Starting the server on port 50051...
I0522 07:04:08.629882 73885 service.go:42] Server is running on port 50051
$ make list-device
go run ./cli/device_consumer/main.go -address localhost:50051 list
I0522 07:04:17.325361 73885 service.go:35] Request: /device_service.DeviceProviderService/ListDevices, Time: 1.8µs, Response: devices:{id:"mouse_1" type:MOUSE device_path:"/dev/input/mouse0" vendor_id:"uuid1" product_id:"uuid2"} devices:{id:"keyboard_1" type:KEYBOARD device_path:"/dev/input/keyboard1" vendor_id:"uuid3" product_id:"uuid4"}
2024/05/22 07:04:17 Device: id:"mouse_1" type:MOUSE device_path:"/dev/input/mouse0" vendor_id:"uuid1" product_id:"uuid2"
2024/05/22 07:04:17 Device: id:"keyboard_1" type:KEYBOARD device_path:"/dev/input/keyboard1" vendor_id:"uuid3" product_id:"uuid4"
$ kill %1
$ make: *** [Makefile:10: run-server] Terminated
[1]+ Terminated make run-server
$ go run ./cli/device_consumer/main.go -help
Usage of /tmp/go-build3458314594/b001/exe/main:
-address string
The server address (default "localhost:50051")
Display help
list List all devices
add Add a new device
delete Delete a device
Usage of list:
Usage of add:
-id string
The device id (default "d3c1defb-e595-4c44-9a11-aefa6c7a03bf")
-path string
The device path
-product_id string
The product id (default "7f7edc22-c9e6-4eae-83b6-bd84fa9fec9b")
-type value
The device type (MOUSE, KEYBOARD, OTHER). Default is MOUSE. (default MOUSE)
-vendor_id string
The vendor id (default "3c9e26a1-f019-40af-b500-3890238d93f7")
Usage of delete:
-id string
The device id (default "de0f79af-d0fc-487f-a59c-a4bd2c6b4dc8")
- Create
$ go run ./cli/device_consumer/main.go -address localhost:50051 add
I0522 09:01:20.541698 6444 service.go:35] gRPC Request: /device_service.DeviceProviderService/AddDevice, Time: 1.4µs, Response: success:true
$ go run ./cli/device_consumer/main.go -address localhost:50051 list
I0522 09:01:34.387775 6444 service.go:35] gRPC Request: /device_service.DeviceProviderService/ListDevices, Time: 2µs, Response: devices:{id:"mouse_1" type:MOUSE device_path:"/dev/input/mouse0" vendor_id:"uuid1" product_id:"uuid2"} devices:{id:"keyboard_1" type:KEYBOARD device_path:"/dev/input/keyboard1" vendor_id:"uuid3" product_id:"uuid4"} devices:{id:"a061277a-3727-41b1-b211-73634b5f4d05" type:MOUSE vendor_id:"c84a1e52-da9b-44cf-a22a-9c165cc616e5" product_id:"bf2ac3e1-f572-45b5-b51d-6109e6e5dfc6"}
2024/05/22 09:01:34 Device: id:"mouse_1" type:MOUSE device_path:"/dev/input/mouse0" vendor_id:"uuid1" product_id:"uuid2"
2024/05/22 09:01:34 Device: id:"keyboard_1" type:KEYBOARD device_path:"/dev/input/keyboard1" vendor_id:"uuid3" product_id:"uuid4"
2024/05/22 09:01:34 Device: id:"a061277a-3727-41b1-b211-73634b5f4d05" type:MOUSE vendor_id:"c84a1e52-da9b-44cf-a22a-9c165cc616e5" product_id:"bf2ac3e1-f572-45b5-b51d-6109e6e5dfc6"
- Delete
$ go run ./cli/device_consumer/main.go -address localhost:50051 delete
2024/05/22 08:47:36 could not delete device: rpc error: code = Unavailable desc = connection error: desc = "transport: Error while dialing: dial tcp connect: connection refused"
exit status 1
$ go run ./cli/device_consumer/main.go -address localhost:50051 delete -id a061277a-3727-41b1-b211-73634b5f4d05
I0522 09:02:02.229278 6444 service.go:35] gRPC Request: /device_service.DeviceProviderService/DeleteDevice, Time: 3.9µs, Response: success:true
$ go run ./cli/device_consumer/main.go -address localhost:50051 list
I0522 09:02:18.991637 6444 service.go:35] gRPC Request: /device_service.DeviceProviderService/ListDevices, Time: 1.2µs, Response: devices:{id:"mouse_1" type:MOUSE device_path:"/dev/input/mouse0" vendor_id:"uuid1" product_id:"uuid2"} devices:{id:"keyboard_1" type:KEYBOARD device_path:"/dev/input/keyboard1" vendor_id:"uuid3" product_id:"uuid4"}
2024/05/22 09:02:18 Device: id:"mouse_1" type:MOUSE device_path:"/dev/input/mouse0" vendor_id:"uuid1" product_id:"uuid2"
2024/05/22 09:02:18 Device: id:"keyboard_1" type:KEYBOARD device_path:"/dev/input/keyboard1" vendor_id:"uuid3" product_id:"uuid4"