sample object detection and face recognition function
- Docker
- if you need to play face recognition codes, don't use docker container.
$ docker build -t human_detection:0.1 -f docker/DockerFile .
If you don't use cache, set "--no-cache=true".
$ docker run -v `pwd`/script:/home/development/script -it --name human_detection_container human_detection:0.1 /bin/bash
- if you use the object detection scripts, please run these scripts on docker container.
$ python3 /home/development/script/
Please do the following process to add the face information.
- add the face images into "script/data/face_data"
- add the face images path and face names into "script/data/face_list.csv"
- ex) write like ""obama.jpg","obama""
$ cd script
$ streamlit run
Please do the following process to start api server of face recognition
$ cd script
$ python3
You need to call following command to use face recognition api
$ curl localhost:5000/face