
Modern fortran linked list

Primary LanguageFortranMIT LicenseMIT


flinkedlist, Fortran Linked List

  • flinkedlist is a pure Fortran library providing an simple linked list.
  • flinkedlist is OOP designed.
  • flinkedlist has some useful features like below.
    • sort elements(which is called node in this library) by user defined function
    • apply user defined function in each node.
    • Includes a convenience method to aid printf debugging by automatically displaying variables of built-in types and providing a dedicated display function for user-defined types.
    • By using the node_operator_type type to manipulate list elements, users can use the list data type without worrying about the internal details of the type.
    • List elements can be converted to arrays of type node_operator_array, so you can choose an array-like access method for list elements.


This repository is built using fpm. You can also use this library by compiling `flinkedlist.f90' with your main program source code, since it is no dependency other than fortran code.

If you use fpm, do the following.

pip install fpm
git clone https://github.com/sakamoti/flinkedlist.git
cd flinkedlist

# build and run test program
fpm test

To use flinkedlist within your fpm project, add the following to your fpm.toml file:

flinkedlist = {git = "https://github.com/sakamoti/flinkedlist.git"}


If you don't have documentation tool, you should first install ford.

pip install ford

Then, auto generated documentation is available.

ford flinkedlist-doc-ford-settings.md


Please check test/check.f90 or document generated by ford.

About list_type.

  • list_type is a double linked list that can hold any data type.
  • By declaring type(list_type) :: list, you can register data into the list one after another, such as list%append("AnyType").
  • list%append inserts data in the first element (it is called head in the source) of the list if the position of data insertion is not specified.
  • The node_operator_type type is used for user access to the elements of the list.

About node_operator_type.

  • The node_operator_type type is responsible for moving through the list, retrieving and displaying data.
  • When acquiring data, there is a method get_alloc to allocate memory separate from the list elements, and a method get_ptr to get a pointer that points directly inside the list.


Append and retrieve data

program append_and_retrieve
    use flinkedlist
    use iso_fortran_env
    implicit none
    type user_type
      integer :: i = 1
      real(kind=real32) :: x =1.6
    end type
    type(user_type) :: ud
    type(list_type) :: list
    type(node_operator_type) node
    class(*), allocatable :: val
    class(*), pointer :: val_ptr
    integer :: i
    !... append data into the list ...
    call list%append(1_int32) !append node(int32)
    call list%append(32.0_real32)    !append node(real64)
    call list%append(64.0_real64)    !append node(real64)
    call list%append(128.0_real128)    !append node(real128)
    call list%append((3.0_real32,2.0_real32))    !append node(complex32)
    call list%append((6.0_real64,4.0_real64))    !append node(complex64)
    call list%append(.TRUE.) !append node(logical)
    call list%append("a")    !append node(character)
    call list%append("Hello Fortran Linked list!")    !append node(strings)
    call list%append(ud) !append node(user defined type)
    !... show list data
    print *, "!-- show all (intrinsinc data type only)"
    call list%showall()  !show all nodes
    print *, "!-- show all (add user defined type showing routine)"
    call list%showall(showproc=user_show_proc) !show all nodes

    !... retrieve data from the list
    call node%init(list)
    call node%head()
    do i=1,4
      call node%next()
    end do
    call node%get_alloc(val) !copy list node to new memory
    call node%get_ptr(val_ptr) !pointer which points inside the list

    !... showing data from a list
    call obj_show(val)
    call obj_show(val_ptr)
      subroutine user_show_proc(obj, passdata, fid)
        class(*), intent(in) :: obj
        class(*), intent(in),optional :: passdata
        integer, intent(in), optional :: fid
        select type(obj)
        type is (user_type)
          print *, "user_typee:", obj
        end select
      end subroutine
end program

Apply procedure to each data

When you compile this module with OpenMP, list%apply function can apply function with OpenMP parallel.

program applyprocedure
  use iso_fortran_env
  use flinkedlist
  implicit none
  integer,parameter :: n = 10000
  type(list_type) :: list
  integer :: i

  type my_data
    real(real64),allocatable :: x(:,:)
  end type
  type(my_data) :: xarray

  do i=1,100
    call random_number(xarray%x)
    call list%append(xarray)
  end do
  call list%apply(array_dot,parallel=.true.)
  !call list%showall(user_show_proc)
  call list%delall()

    subroutine array_dot(obj, passdata)
      class(*), intent(inout),pointer :: obj
      class(*), intent(in), optional :: passdata
      real(real64),allocatable,target :: dot
      integer :: i
      select type(obj)
      type is (my_data)
        do i = 1,10000
          dot = DOT_PRODUCT(obj%x(:,1), obj%x(:,2))
        end do
        obj%x = dot
      end select
    end subroutine
    subroutine user_show_proc(obj, passdata, fid)
      class(*), intent(in) :: obj
      class(*), intent(in),optional :: passdata
      integer, intent(in), optional :: fid
      select type(obj)
      type is (my_data)
        print *, "user_type:", obj%x
      end select
    end subroutine
end program

Deep copy of list_type

 program deepcopy
  use flinkedlist
  implicit none
  type(list_type) :: list_origin, list_copied
  type(node_operator_type) :: node
  integer :: i
  do i=1,5
    call list_origin%append(i)
  end do

  print *, "!--- original list ---"
  call list_origin%showall()

  list_copied = list_origin ! deep copy

  print *, "!--- copied list ---"
  call list_copied%showall()
end program

Sort data

program sort
  use iso_fortran_env
  use flinkedlist
  implicit none
  type(list_type) :: sortedlist,reversedlist,originlist
  real(kind=real64) :: x(10)
  type(node_operator_type) :: n1,n2,n3
  class(*),pointer :: x1,x2,x3
  integer :: i
  call random_number(x)
  do i=1,size(x)
    call sortedlist%append(x(i))
  end do
  originlist=sortedlist !save original
  reversedlist=sortedlist !save original
  call sortedlist%sort(sortfun,.false.) !sort
  call reversedlist%sort(sortfun,.true.) !sort(reverse)
  call n1%init(originlist)
  call n2%init(sortedlist)
  call n3%init(reversedlist)
  print *,"!=== sort procedure usage example"
  print *, "  i x(original)    x(sorted)  x(reversed)"
  do i=1,size(x)
    call n1%get_ptr(x1)
    call n2%get_ptr(x2)
    call n3%get_ptr(x3)
    select type(x1)
    type is (real(kind=real64))
      select type(x2)
        type is (real(kind=real64))
        select type(x3)
          type is (real(kind=real64))
          print'(i3,3f13.9)', i,x1,x2,x3
        end select
      end select
    end select
    call n1%next()
    call n2%next()
    call n3%next()
  end do
  print *,"!=== END: sort procedure usage example"
    logical function sortfun(one,two,passdata)
      class(*),intent(in) :: one,two
      class(*),intent(in),optional :: passdata
      select type(one)
      type is (real(kind=real64))
        select type(two)
        type is (real(kind=real64))
          if(one < two)then
          end if
        end select
      end select
      select type(passdata)
      type is (logical)
        if(passdata) then
          sortfun= .not. sortfun
        end if
      end select
    end function
end program

Transform (list -> array)

This sample shows array like acces to each list elements.

program list2array
  use flinkedlist
  use iso_fortran_env
  implicit none
  type user_type
    integer      :: n = 0
    real(real32) :: x = 0d0
  end type
  type(user_type),allocatable :: ud(:)
  type(node_operator_type),allocatable :: nodearray(:)
  type(list_type) :: li
  integer :: i,n

  do i=1,n
    call li%append(user_type(i,real(i,kind=real32)))
  end do
  nodearray = li%listarray()
  print *,"! show values from node_operator_type",size(nodearray),li%count()
  do i=1,size(nodearray)
    write(output_unit,'(3x,i3)',advance='no') i
    call nodearray(i)%show(showproc=user_show_proc)
  end do
  print *,"! show values from user_type array"
  do i=1,size(ud)
    print*, ud(i)
  end do
    impure elemental function polimophicval2userdefinedtype(self) result(ud)
      type(node_operator_type),intent(in) :: self
      type(user_type) :: ud
      class(*),allocatable :: var
      call self%get_alloc(var)
      select type(var)
      type is(user_type)
        ud = var
      end select
    end function
    subroutine user_show_proc(obj,passdata,fid)
      class(*),intent(in) :: obj
      class(*),intent(in),optional :: passdata
      integer,intent(in),optional :: fid
      select type(obj)
      type is(user_type)
        print *,"user_type:", obj
      end select
    end subroutine
end program