はじめて制作したWebアプリケーションです。 大学の地域活性化活動からヒントを得て、日本の名所から隠れた絶景までみんなで共有しようというコンセプトで作りました。
It is no longer in good hands and will probably not work properly. Therefore, deprecated.
- Authentication and posting functions
- Guest user login with easy login function
- RememberMe function
- Edit name, email address and profile image
- Post and resize images using carrierwave + minimagick + S3
- Liking / Unliking posts using Ajax
- List of people who have liked / List of posts you have liked
- Followers and followers function / List of followers and followers
- Testing
- Unit testing using RSpec
- Static code analysis using RuboCop
- Deployment of Docker-compose in the development environment
- Automatic deployment to EC2 with a single command using Capistrano
The home page has a flexible grid that matches the ratio of posted images, and Ajax is used to allow users to easily click "Like" from the post list screen.
We also learned about pseudo-team development using pull requests and reviews on GitHub.
- Other
- Search function by prefecture
- Ruby 2.7.0
- Rails
- RSpec
- MySQL 8.0.19
- Capistrano
- Nginx / Unicorn
- AWS (VPC, EC2, RDS, S3, ALB, ACM, Route53)
- Docker, Docker-compose
- jQuery / Sass / Bootstrap
- Increase number of functions (comment function, map display, etc.)
- Enhance testing (eliminate defects)
- Reorganize code