
Primary LanguageDart

Sakar ID Card App

This Flutter application, named "Sakar ID Card," is a simple digital ID card showcasing information about Sakar Paudel. The ID card includes details such as the individual's name, current Flutter level, and contact email.


  1. AppBar:

    • The app features an AppBar with a title "Sakar ID Card," centered and styled with white text. The background color of the AppBar is set to a dark shade (Colors.grey[850]).
  2. Background:

    • The background color of the app is set to a deep grey tone (Colors.grey[900]).
  3. Profile Image:

    • A circular avatar in the center of the card displays a photo using the AssetImage widget. The avatar has a radius of 60, creating a visually appealing profile image.
  4. Divider:

    • A divider with a height of 60 and a vibrant red color (Colors.redAccent[800]) adds separation below the profile image.
  5. Name Section:

    • The name section includes a label "NAME" in grey text with a letterSpacing of 2. Below the label is the name "Sakar Paudel" displayed in amber accent color (Colors.amberAccent[200]). The name is styled with a larger font size (28), bold, and with increased letterSpacing.
  6. Flutter Level Section:

    • The current Flutter level is presented with a label "CURRENT Flutter Level" in grey text with letterSpacing. The level "4" is displayed in amber accent color with similar styling as the name.
  7. Email Section:

    • The app includes an email section with an email icon (Icons.email) and the email address "sendtosakar@gmail.com" displayed in grey text. The email section is styled with appropriate font size, color, and letterSpacing.


  1. Clone the repository to your local machine.

    git clone https://github.com/sakar5157/idcard.git
  2. Open the project in your preferred Flutter development environment.

  3. Run the app on an emulator or a physical device.


Sakar ID Card


  • Flutter: 2.0.0 or later
  • Dart: 2.12.0 or later

Getting Started

For help getting started with Flutter, view the online documentation, which offers tutorials, samples, guidance on mobile development, and a full API reference.


This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE file for details.