
Primary LanguageC

List of all projects I validated during my studies at UNIT Factory (ecole 42 Kiev). Projects are written purely in C

  1. Libft.

Huge part of standard libraries of C language is prohibited to use in ecole 42, thereby we must implement own library with usefull fields and methods. The methods are intended to help me in implementation of Strings, dynamic Memory allocation, usage of Linked Lists as base for various Data Structure.

More about the project: Subject

My implementation: Libft

  1. GNL.

One of the most fundamental things to implement when most of helpful functions are unavailable is Get Next Line. Reading every bit of given data, allocating enough memory, and excluding memory leaks was the main aim of the project.

More about the project: Subject

My implementation: GNL

  1. Fillit.

Fillit is the project that let you discover and/or familiarize yourself with a recurring problematic in programming: searching the optimal solution among a huge set of a possibilities, in a respectable timing. In this particular project, you will have to find a way to assemble a given Tetriminos set altogether in the smallest possible square.

More about the project: Subject

My implementation: Fillit

  1. Printf.

Regardless of the programming language considered, the printf function (or its equivalent) is always highly useful. The main reason is the ease of its formatting, and the support of diverse types in a variable numbers. Undeniably, it is a vital function. The project is intended to ask me to recode it and add some features for bonus points.

More about the project: Subject

My implementation: Printf

  1. Filler.

Filler is an algorithmic game which consists of filling a grid of a known size in advance with pieces of a random size and shapes, without the pieces being stacked more than one square above each other and without them exceeding the grid. If one of these conditions is not met, the game stops.

More about the project: Subject

My implementation: Filler

  1. Lem-in.

Lem-in can be considered as an introduction to the theory of graphs. The main point is to create map of ant farm where each room can hold only one ant (except starting and ending point). Outcome is to count how many iterations are needed to walk all nt froms starting point to ending point in a least amount of time. No overlaps (traffic) are allowed.

More about the project: Subject

My implementation: Lem-in