
My neovim config, based on https://github.com/ThePrimeagen/init.lua/

Primary LanguageLua

neovim (my current setup on a new Windows computer)

  • Install scoop, then start installing zig while following the rest of the steps scoop install zig, and also 7zip, unzip, wget, gzip, pwsh AND ripgrep!

  • Install neovim

  • Clone some Packer files

  • Install a nerd font like Caskaydia Nerd Fond, setting the font to be the one used by your terminal

  • Clone this repo into %localappdata%\nvim, like C:\Users\hanak\AppData\Local\nvim.

  • Navigate in here and open neovim via nvim.

  • :Ex and navigate to ./lua/hanak/packer.lua.

  • :so and then :PackerSync and reopen neovim.

  • Run a :checkhealth just to verify that all plugins are happy