
A movie finder and review app made using React, Node and PostgreSQL.

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Clutterboxd - A Letterboxd Clone

Netlify Status


  1. Create custom error and Not Found(404) pages.
  2. Make fonts/styles consistent across UI.
  3. Improve the review form interface.


  • A movie search app built using React, Node and PostgreSQL.
  • You can explore movies and shows trending in your region and add the ones you plan on watching to your watchlist. You can rate and review them too.
  • You can also search for a particular movie or show within the site. All data is obtained from TMDB's public API.
  • Here is the final production link of the app: Link
  • The Node/Express/Postgres backend has been deployed to heroku while the react front end has been hosted on netlify.



  • Clone and install dependencies locally
    git clone https://github.com/saket2508/netflix-watchlist.git
    cd netflix-watchlist
    npm install
    cd server
    npm install
    cd client
    npm install
  • Make sure you have installed Node and Postgres in your system.
  • Get your TMDB API credentials and save it in a .env file inside the client/ directory
  • Next, go to Google Developers and create a new project in order to use Google OAuth for signing in users.
  • Save your credentials in a .env file inside the server/ directory.

Running Locally

  • You can start the application in dev mode by running the following command in your terminal.
    npm run dev
  • The server should run on port localhost:5000 while the client is served on localhost:3000