Student Crowd-Funding using Blockchain.

Blockchain solution for Crowd-Funding powered by Ethereum Blockchain which enables complete transparency, security, tracebility and control over transactions.

Project Working,

  1. Developer creates a new project by giving details about the funds required, describing their projects and other useful infomation. The information regarding each project is stored on the Ethereum blockchain and files and textual data is stored in ipfs-infura network.

  2. Investors invest their money in any of the Projects in form of ether.

  3. To use the invested money for paying vendors or for online servies, the developer requests investors to approve transaction.Transaction can only be finalized when more than half of investors approves requested transaction.

  4. After the transaction is approved the money will be sent to respective vendor or online services.


  1. Campaign.sol - This is the solidity file which defines the smart contract for the system. It holds the rules and regulation for the transaction that take place on the Blockchain.

  2. IPFS.js - Establishes the connection between the ipfs network and the application. It contains functions used to upload and retrieve data of large size.

  3. Components Folder - It contains the UI elements for the applicaton and uses ReactJS Framework.

  4. Pages Folder - It contains the pages for respective routes.


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