
Movies Guide app

Demo working of app

Demo Gif

Features of app

  • Fetch details for movies playing now via api and paginate it.
  • Search movies based on keywords also load paginated results.
  • Support on different orientations.
  • Bookmark movies in horizontal list view.

Architecture used: MVVM

Components used to develop:

  • Coroutines, for offloading work which will certainly block UI.
  • Livedata, observing data from viewmodel to activity.
  • Dagger2, for dependency injection for 3rd party libraries as well as scoping injection of objects to particular activity.
  • DataBinding, to avoid boilerplate code of findViewById
  • Recyclerview
  • Motion Layout, for animations
  • Retrofit 2 for making network calls
  • Gson for incorporating messages from network response.
  • Kotlin
  • Proguard to minify the apk size and obfuscate code.
  • Glide, load images from url and cache images to disk

Tools used to develop:

  • Emulators
  • Android Studio
  • Chrome stetho for observing database in app

Improvements can be done

  • Add paging library
  • Show details of movies in a fragment to demostrate navigation components


Boiler plate code for connectivity change listener is added due to deprecation of getActiveNetwork in greater then Android 10.

CI Currently not working

Will fix this soon.