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Install & Build for C / C++

Build the dynamic library and install it in /usr/local/bin, copy headers in /usr/local/include/neat_gru_lib. This command will ask for your root password as it is needed to do the installation.


Use in C / C++

Link neat_gru dynamic library.

#include "neat_gru_lib/neat_gru.h"


const char path[] = "path.json";

const NeatGruResult result = load_network_from_file_f64(path);
assert(result.status == NeatGruStatus::Sucess);

const long INPUT_SIZE = 4;
const double input[INPUT_SIZE] = {0.5, 0.5, 0.1, -0.2};
double output[2];
compute_network_f64(result.network, INPUT_SIZE, input, output);
// Do something with output buffer.
// ...
// Free memory.


using namespace NeatGru;

const std::string path = "path.json";
NeuralNetwork<double> network = NeuralNetwork<double>::FromFile(path);

const long INPUT_SIZE = 4;
const double input[INPUT_SIZE] = {0.5, 0.5, 0.1, -0.2};
double output[2];

// We use raw C pointers for performance.
network.Compute(INPUT_SIZE, input, output);
// Do something with output buffer.
// ...




Right now this is the only working example. You can run it via:

cargo run --example example

How to use

In Cargo.toml:

neat-gru = "1.4.0"

Create a struct that implements the Game trait

use neat_gru::game::Game;
use neat_gru::neural_network::NeuralNetwork;
use neat_gru::train::{Train, HistoricTopology};
struct Player {
    pub net: NeuralNetwork<f64>,

impl Player {
    pub fn new(net: NeuralNetwork<f64>) -> Player {
        Player {

struct Simulation {
    players: Vec<Player>,

impl Simulation {
    pub fn new() -> Simulation {
        Simulation {
            players: Vec::new(),

impl Game<f64> for Simulation {
    // Loss function
    fn run_generation(&mut self) -> Vec<f64> {
        let inputs = get_inputs();
        self.players.iter().map(|p| {
            let output = p.net.compute(inputs);
            let scores = compute_score(output, target);

    // Reset networks
    fn reset_players(&mut self, nets: Vec<NeuralNetwork<f64>>) {
        self.players = nets

    // Called at the end of training
    fn post_training(&mut self, history: &[HistoricTopology<f64>]) {
        // Iter on best topologies and upload the best one

Async run_generation (has to be run inside an async runtime like Tokio)

impl GameAsync<f64> for Simulation {
    // Loss function
    async fn run_generation(&mut self) -> Vec<f64> {
        let inputs = get_inputs().await;
        self.players.iter().map(|p| {
            let output = p.net.compute(inputs);
            let scores = compute_score(output, target);

Launch a training

fn run_sim() {
    let mut sim = Simulation::new();

    let mut runner = Train::new(&mut sim);
        .outputs(output_count as i32)
        .iterations(nb_generations as i32)
        .max_layers((hidden_layers + 2) as i32)
        .max_per_layers(hidden_layers as i32)
        .max_species(max_species as i32)
        .max_individuals(max_individuals as i32)
        .delta_threshold(2.) // Delta parameter from NEAT paper
        .formula(0.8, 0.8, 0.3) // c1, c2 and c3 from NEAT paper
        .access_train_object(Box::new(|train| {
            let species_count = train.species_count();
            println!("Species count: {}", species_count);
        })) // Callback called after `reset_players` that gives you access to the train object during training
        .start(); // .start_async().await for async version