Welcome to the entry point to the back-end w/ Django workshop!

I hope it will be a fun ride for all the attendees 🙏

Although the tasks you'll see here are Django-related,

  • Previous knowledge of Django is not required.
  • I'm intentionally throwing you into an ocean with those tasks, so don't feel stupid when you don't understand something!
  • You don't have to solve all the tasks either! All I want you to do is to google and do your best 🫰
  • We'll go through all of these again in the BootCamp.
  • You may ask ChatGPT for help at any point. But please don't copy code or ask for straight answers. Use it to learn, not to solve. Instead of asking Write the code for X, try explain X. Remember that you're here to learn not to pass a test.
Task 00: Fork the repo

Let's start by forking this repository 😄

To solve the tasks, you'll either write code or edit this README to answer a question.

After that, push your code and submit the link to your forked repo.

TASK: Fork the repository.

Task 01: Run the server

Now that you forked the repo, don't be scared to tip your toes in :)

Your first task will be installing the environment and running the server, how about that?

TASK: Run the Django server and provide a screenshot of what you see here 👇


Task 02: URLconf

Cool, you solved task 1 :) (sorry for the shitpost)

If you didn't, why did you click "Task 2" 😤 don't do that 😠 go back to "Task 1" now 🔪

I'm going to pretend that you solved task 1 🙈

For task 2, please run the local server and go to this url:

If you see this: PageNotFound.png

Then ✨ congratulations ✨, this is your first bug in Django 🎉

I'm expecting a certain page to be rendered for that URL. The code responsible for rendering this page is in app/views.py:usd_to_egp. Your task is to link that piece of code to the URL (usd-to-egp/).

TASK: Configure the URLs in app/urls.py to render the code in app/views.py:usd_to_egp.


Task 03: A dynamic solution

Looking at the code in app/views.py:usd_to_egp, you can see that the value in context['usd_to_egp'] is hard coded.

Can you implement a more dynamic solution? I want the real-time rate of the currency exchange!

TASK: Use the real-time exchange rate of USD-EGP.

  • Take a look at app/utils.py I wrote some code to help you 😉

Task 04: On your own!

Now for the final task,

I want you to write your own view to render a webpage that shows the real-time price of Indome (بالخضار).

  • You don't have to write any html, I already wrote it for you. You can find it at templates/app/live-indomie-price.html.
  • The URL should be /live-indomie-price/.

TASK: Write a view that shows the real-time price of Indomie (بالخضار).

  • I wrote a small piece of code that will help you get the real-time price. You can find it at app/utils.py.
  • You can look at the code in app/urls.py and app/views.py for inspiration.