
This is a flutter starter project

Primary LanguageDart

Starter Template

Tech Stack: Flutter + Firebase + Nodejs + Hasura + PostgreSQL

a starter template for flutter projects.

State Management : GetX (only for state)

API Client : GraphQL Client

Local Database : SharedPreferences

Authentication : Firebase Custom Auth + JWT

Frontend : Flutter + Material3

Middleware : Hasura

Database : Neon PostgreSQL

Backend : Nodejs

Getting Started

install dependencies

flutter pub get

firebase setup

Create a project in firebase console

Firebase CLI need to be installed

Open terminal in project

 firebase login
 dart pub global activate flutterfire_cli
 flutterfire configure (use Windows PowerShell)

Full documentation

change app id

where: android/app/build.gradle -> defaultConfig
how: applicationId "com.mydomainname.projectname"

note: Don't change namespace but if do then do following

android {
   namespace "com.mydomainname.projectname"
change file structure: android/app/main/kotlin/com/mydomainname/projectname
MainActivity.kt : package "com.mydomainname.projectname"

change app name

where: lib/const/string.dart
how: appName= 'MyAppName'
where: android/app/src/main/AndroidManifest.xml
how: android:label= 'MyAppName'
where: iOS/Runner/info.plist
how: <key>CFBundleName</key> <string>MyAppName</string>

change app logo and icon

change assets/image/app_icon_640.png for launcher_icon(640x640)

dart run flutter_launcher_icons

change assets/image/logo_640.png for less than android 12 logo(640x640)

change assets/image/logo_1152.png for android 12 or greater logo(1152x1152)

dart run flutter_native_splash:create

Note: launcher icon -> solid bg logo_640 and logo_1152 -> circular transparent, inner padding

Full Doc: flutter_launcher_icons and flutter_native_splash

add fonts

download a variable Font Family

copy .ttf files to /assets/font

add font info in pubspec.yaml fonts section

add font in lib/const/theme.dart

class MyFont {

 static const font1 = 'FontFamilyName';
 static const font2 = 'FontFamilyName';

change base url

where: lib/const/config.dart
how: baseUrl = 'https://www.baseurl.com/v1/api/'

customize theme

where: lib/const/theme.dart
how: adjust light & dark theme

use local database

where: lib/helper/local_db.dart
how: write key, setter, getter

initialization & GetX dependency injection

where: lib/helper/init.dart
how: init module, put getx controller and service