Server Programmings labs SWE 4537

A repository for SWE 4537 labs taken by :

Tasnim Ahmed,Lecturer

Islamic University of Technolgy


Clone the repo.

Make sue you have npm installed. Run the following command on the terminal with in the same directory

  npm install 

This would locate the package-lock file and install all the dependencies.

Now run the following command

  npm start 

The server will get fired on port 5001. The project uses nodemon. So after every time you change the code. It automatically detects the change and restarts the server.

Lab Descriptions

The descriptions are provided below

lab 1

  • Basic of javascript
  • Get system info js in node

lab 2

  • Getting data from plain json file and posting it to an ejs file

lab 3

  • dynamically get data from ejs file.
  • saving it into a json file
  • sending those json data to another ejs file all using express

lab 4

  • mongodb get and post functionality
  • mongodb update and delete functionality

Environment Variables

To run this project, you will need to add the following environment variables to your .env file

DB_CONNECTION : Provide your connection string

TOKEN : Provide a secret token for the JWT encryption