Store Management Backend


This is built on the shoulder of

Local Development

For ease of local development a docker configuration is set up. For first time set up:

  1. Set up docker in your pc if not installed(

  2. Create .env file in root directory and put appropriate values in it

  3. Install and build the project

// Set up docker in your pc if not installed
$ npm install
$ docker network create store
$ docker-compose build
$ docker-compose up
  1. On another terminal run the following command:
$ docker-compose exec store_app npm run db:migrate

Your app should run in 3001 port locally (localhost:3001)

Useful Commands

$ docker-compose exec a

// Generates a new migration
$ npm run db:generate <MigrationName>

// Run db migration
$ npm run db:migrate

// Reverts to previous migration
$ npm run db:revert

// Runs seed
$ npm run db:seed:run