
Notes for Front-end Software Engineers. Covers common data structure and algorithms, basic web concepts, HTML & CSS & Javascript.

Primary LanguageJavaScript

FrontEndCollection (Keep updating, hopefully...)

Web Development Basics

1. What happens when you type in a URL
2. GET vs POST
3. What can we do to improve a website's performance?
4. HTML5 offline storage mechanism
5. Common time and space-complexity
6. What has been deprecated, and what is new on HTML5?
7. How the DOM really works?
8. Inline elements, Block elements, and what are the differences?
9. Several ways to call a function
10. A brief introduction of the differences between "src" and "href"
11. A brief introduction of Call, Apply, Bind


1. Accordion
2. ModalBox

Deep Dive in Javascript

Learn More on BFE.dev

1. Implement Curry()

Data Structures & Algorithm Part in JavaScript


Binary Search
Search Insert Position
Squares of a Sorted Array
Move Zeros


Construct Binary Tree from Preorder and Inorder Traversal
Binary Tree Preorder Traversal
Binary Tree Inorder Traversal
Reverse Linked List
Rotate Array


Product of Array Except Self
Merge Intervals
Longest Consecutive Sequence
Coin Change
Gas Station
Top K Frequent Elements
3 Sum




Database Basics

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