CPF (Context-Proxy-Flow) framework specification


The CPF framework helps you build a clear and transparent workflow. It consists of three scopes: Context, Proxy, and Flow. This framework defines data flows and workflows that can be scaled. Each component can be expressed as a function, making downstream-to-upstream communication easy.


flowchart LR
    subgraph Context
    subgraph Proxy
    P --> PI([Proxy Input])
    PO([Proxy Output]) --> P
    subgraph Flow
    POF([Proxy Output Flow])
    PI -.-> FF[First Flow]
    FF -.-> POF
    PI -.-> SF[Second Flow]
    SF -.-> POF
    PI -.-> TF[Third Flow]
    TF -.-> POF
    C <--> P
    PI --> POF
    POF --> PO

This flowchart has three Flow components: First Flow, Second Flow, and Third flow.

Why is including Proxy scope?

Context-Flow framework is simpler than the CPF framework, but this framework doesn't provide grouping functionally. The CPF framework has this functionally, we will have control over all our data.


  1. Component: Immutable base class.
  2. Sequential Component: This component has one input and one output.
  3. Parallel Component: This component has infinite inputs and infinite outputs.
  4. Flow Component: Sequential Component or Parallel Component. This can output to any Flow component.


  1. Context: This scope means any context.
  2. Proxy: This scope can be defined with in the Flow scope.
  3. Flow: This scope can have infinite Flow components.

Basic components

  1. Context (in Context scope): Parallel Component. This component has infinite inputs and infinite outputs.
  2. Proxy (in Proxy scope): Sequential Component. This component can connect to the Context component with one input and one output.
  3. Proxy Input (in Proxy scope): Parallel Component. This component is input by the Proxy component.
  4. Proxy Output (in Proxy scope): Sequential Component. This component can output to the Proxy component.
  5. Proxy Output Flow (in Flow scope): Sequential Component. This component can output to the Proxy Output component.


  1. Create a new Flow component from Proxy Input component. When grouping, use Proxy component instead of it.
  2. Repeat the previous step.


Describing every workflows is not a good approach. A good approach is to describe all workflows succinctly.



Any group works as goals, departments, or headings.

If logic

If logic can be expressed as a Parallel Component.

For logic

For logic can be expressed as a connection to other Flow components.


Existing frameworks can be expressed as Flow components. For example, Scrum framework or Pomodoro technique.