
This short program will help you to analyze your web page. Currently, this one is available in only the CLI version and can scan the only title, image and meta description and keywords. I'm currently developing an advanced version of it. Follow to get updates. Thank you for everything.

Primary LanguagePython

Seo Software

About the program

The Seo Software program is written in fully Python3. This program can analyze a give web page and show the output of the scan result. This program works by web scraping so, don't use this program unless you have exclusive permissions.


To run the Seo Software program in your machine, you'll need the following packages.

  • Python 3.X.X
  • Beautiful Soup 4
  • Stable internet connection
  • Permission of the website owner

Installing python3 in your system

Installing in Linux System

If you are using a Debian based OS like Ubuntu, just run the following commands to get the latest version of python3.

$ sudo apt update
$ sudo apt install python3
Installing in Windows machine

Open this link and download the latest version that suits your version of Windows. It is recommended to use the latest version of python. In the installation windows remember to click Add to path in the first step.

Installing in Mac Machine

If you are using a machine running on Mac visit this link and download the latest version that suits your os and Install it as usual.

Installing the Beautiful Soup 4 or bs4

If you have already installed pip and python3, you can install it in this way. Just type the command in your terminal:

$ pip3 install bs4


$ pip install bs4

If you are using a Debian based os, try this command instead:

$ sudo apt-get install python3-bs4

Here is the pro tip. Visit this link and run the program online without installing anything. :)

Running the program in your machine

To use or run the program in your machine, you need to clone the GitHub repository to access and run the files locally. You can manually clone the repository from GitHub using your favourite methods.

Once you have the repository cloned into your system locally, open a terminal there and type in the following commands.

$ python3 main.py


$ python main.py

You will be prompted for several data which are required to analyze the seo quality. Stay patient, the process won't take too long.

Serious Note!

Don't use this tool unless you have permissions of the website owner. This tool uses web scraping method to analyze websites or URLs. Many website owner don't allow web scraping on their website. This is why you must make shure that you have exclusive permissions of the owner.

If you liked the tool, let me know via e-mail. Feel free to send me an e-mail anytime about anything. I'm waiting to hear from you.