HOSTEL-HUB (Full Stack Website in Node.js)

One-step solution to all the hostel problems. Want to stay organised for your hostel life?, then this is the place for you.We have organised everything a hosteler ever needs, so that you can have access to them in one place.


Features of the Website -

Admin Side :-

  • Verify users using their College IDs.
  • Monitor trends of mess-poll.
  • View complaints regarding hostel and mess.
  • Access to student's hostel & mess attendence.

User Side-

  • Welcome e-mail following the registration.
  • Option of setting new password through e-mail on registered id.
  • Casting vote for mess menu.
  • Managing laundry.
  • Filing hostel as well as mess complaint.
  • Updating hostel & mess attendence.
  • Easy access to hostel notices, mess-menu, hostel authorities details, etc.

View deployed site-

HOW TO RUN (In local machine)

  • Download ZIP or Clone the repository
  • Navigate to the directory
  • Open Terminal and type npm install It will install all dependencies
  • Then type node app.js It will start the server
  • Type localhost:3000 to go to the index page

Things used to make the Project

Back-end Side :-

Front-end Side :-