
Primary LanguageHTML

Day 1

  • Make sure you have gone through this before entering here.
  • Make a new GitHub Repository with name your_username.github.io on your GitHub account.
  • Initialize this New Folder (project_folder that you have copied in other location in your computer) as a Git Repository using git init.
  • Push the contents to your new repository (your_username.github.io)

Day 2

  • Start Learning HTML from
    • w3schools
    • MDN web docs
    • List of important tags :
      • Heading tags
      • Paragraph tag
      • Anchor tag
      • List tags
      • Image tag
      • Form tags
      • Table tags
      • Meta tag, etc.
  • Make changes in the index.html page of your repository.
  • Commit and push the changes to your repository.

Day 3

  • Get acquainted with CSS Resource Links :
    • w3schools
    • MDN web docs
    • List of important topics to learn in CSS :
      • Different type of Stylesheets
      • Selectors
      • Basic Styling such as font-size, width, etc.
      • Color formats
      • Box Model
      • Display, Positon and Float
      • Psuedo Classes and Combinators
      • Fluid Layouts
      • Media Queries
      • Flexbox and Grids
      • Transforms, Transitions and Animations
  • You can also learn about CSS Frameworks like Bootstrap

Day 4

  • Start adding some CSS to your project. Keep all the css in <project_dir>/assets/css/ folder.
  • You can also use Bootstrap or any other Framework for styling.
  • Add the CSS file in your index.html using link tag
  • Create atleast one animation, transformation and transition using only CSS.

  • Use Flexbox atleast for one section.

  • Use Psuedo Classes atleast once.

  • Use Descendant Selector atleast once.

  • Make the website responsive.

  • So, that's a lot of learning for 3 days straight. Go watch this, have a coffee and get back because CODERS NEVER QUIT, QUITTERS NEVER CODE

Day 5(JS)

  • Start Learning Javascipt from
  • You can also learn about any Javascipt Frameworks like JQuery, React, etc

Day 6 (JS)

  • Start adding JS to your project. Keep all the JS in <project_dir>/assets/js/ folder.

  • You can also use JQuery or any other Framework for styling.

  • Add the JS script in your index.html using script tag

  • Create atleast

    • Two of these animations by DOM manipulation using Javascript -
      • Fade-Effect
      • Roll-in or Roll-out
      • Page-In or Page-out
      • Object Movements
      • Fireworks
    • Two EventListeners for events like Click, KeyDown, Resize, etc.

Day 7

  • Make any final changes in your website, you still have time.
  • Make sure GitHub pages is enabled for your repository. Go here to get help with this
  • Visit your_username.github.io. That should be your portfolio.
  • Keep the forked repository in sync with the actual repository. Refer this.
  • In the synced fork on your repository, edit the README.md file to add your Name and the link to your portfolio.
  • Then make a Pull Request to the Repository on EEESoc Organisation from which you had first forked.


  • Maintain a track of everything that you have learnt in progress.md file.
  • Download any code editor of your choice (for example vscode, sublime, brackets etc.)