
Sample Postman calls to Ping Identity APIs


This is a place to document calls to Ping APIs using Postman.

Some of the calls are individual, others may be to demonstrate a flow of transactions needed to perform a use case.

OAuth Playground

This is Postman collection that demonstrates the OAuth \ OIDC flows without the UI of the PingFed OAuth Playground

PingAccess Admin API

This Postman collection contains all of the endpoints that make up the PingAccess Admin APIs.

PingFederate Admin API

This Postman collection contains all of the endpoints that make up the PingFederate Admin APIs.


These are examples of how to use the PingID SDK service to perform transactional MFA calls.

Pre-Request script to generate a JWT

This call creates a signed JWT - it's used in the "OAuth Demo - Client Credentials with client_assertion (JWK)" call within the OAuth Playground collection, but can be used for anything.

The signature is handled by a sideloaded library - jsrsasign. The "Get jsrsasign library" call should be made to populate the code into a global variable that is invoked at the start of the pre-request script.

This script can work with both RSA and EC JWK objects - they can be generated from here: https://mkjwk.org/

The Signing KeyPair should be stored in a Postman Environment

The script will use the JWK to define the Algorithm and KID that is used in the Signing