Fork Comments:

This version is modified for limit system, has a locale table (WIP) feel free to contribute. Only one job like the main script. Both animations and progressbars are disabled on this fork.


Animations not working

##To-Do config var for limit/weight more jobs

Original Readme:

This script allows you to do jobs. The steps are simple.

Step 1: Collect Step 2: Process Step 3: Packing Step 4: Selling

Features Features:

Jobs required, Job required Really simple, Highly configurable, You can edit progressbar texts, Animations, Marker colors (And all marker stuff), Item’s (Price, amount, required items for processing etc and more.), 3D Text’s, Coords, Blips.

Known Issues:



es_extended (Weight), mythic_notify, mythic_progbar.


Why I should use cylex_jobs instead of esx_jobs or any other resources?: Well, it’s simple. You can add/remove jobs without any struggle. Everything is in config. It’s optimized.

**MS Statistics: 0.01 when you are not doing the job and 0.08 when you are doing the job. ** Is it realistic?: Yes. I tried to make it as realistic as possible for you, and your player’s enjoyment. There is animations, progressbar etc (You can set the texts .

I created a job as “slaughterer” to give an example for how jobs work. You can copy and paste then BOOM!


Police limit in illegal jobs (Config).