
A workaround to ensure multiparameter assignment still works when you delegate date/time Active Record attributes

Primary LanguageRubyMIT LicenseMIT

Delegate Temporal

This Rails plugin allows you to continue to use multiparameter attributes when the actual
attribute is delegated to another object.

The problem

class Foo < ActiveRecord::Base
  delegate :start_time, :start_time=, :to => :appointment

@foo.attributes = { "start_time(1i)" => "2008", "start_time(2i)" => "9", ... }
# => Error!

The error occurs because Rails tries to look up the “start_time” column in the database (in order to
find out information about its type), but because we are delegating it doesn’t exist.

The solution

Install this plugin, and then:

class Foo < ActiveRecord::Base
  delegate_temporal :start_time, :to => :appointment

@foo.attributes = { "start_time(1i)" => "2008", "start_time(2i)" => "9", ... }
# => Yay, it works!