This Rails plugin allows you to continue to use multiparameter attributes when the actual
attribute is delegated to another object.
class Foo < ActiveRecord::Base
delegate :start_time, :start_time=, :to => :appointment
@foo.attributes = { "start_time(1i)" => "2008", "start_time(2i)" => "9", ... }
# => Error!
The error occurs because Rails tries to look up the “start_time” column in the database (in order to
find out information about its type), but because we are delegating it doesn’t exist.
Install this plugin, and then:
class Foo < ActiveRecord::Base
delegate_temporal :start_time, :to => :appointment
@foo.attributes = { "start_time(1i)" => "2008", "start_time(2i)" => "9", ... }
# => Yay, it works!