
Oozie dependencies are missing from Maven Central

Closed this issue · 3 comments

The minor Oozie versions are no longer on maven central. Is there a reason that you choose to use minor versions for most of the dependencies?

The versions directly align with HDP (Hortonworks Data Platform) release versions and the dependencies live in the Hortonworks nexus repository.

I just did a few builds using varying profiles without issue. Can you share more details on what dependencies were failing?

Ok cool, using SBT with the following libraryDependencies += "com.github.sakserv" % "hadoop-mini-clusters-oozie" % "0.1.7" found at results in SBT unable to resolve the dependencies since they are now missing from the mvn central repository.

Adding Hortonworks nexus to SBT's resolvers fixed the issue: resolvers ++= Seq( "nexus" at "" )

Thanks for the follow up, @RomanKovalik - glad to hear you got it resolved.