hadoop-mini-clusters provides an easy way to test Hadoop projects directly in your IDE
- 1
Unable to create table with HDP 3.0 version
#73 opened by mj4304 - 5
Error running oozie integration test
#79 opened by christopinka - 0
Unable to Upgrade the Java to Java 11
#77 opened by AnkushNakaskar - 0
Exception while setting up cluster
#76 opened by biaoma-ty - 5
Exception while setting up cluster
#31 opened by sanjeevkanabargi - 0
Issue with wordcount MapReduce
#75 opened by rgirodon - 1
- 4
Class not found Exception while running HBASE Mini Cluster (org.apache.hadoop.hbase.backup.impl.BackupException)
#52 opened by the-ram - 1
- 0
nullPointerException property-parser
#70 opened by ripoul - 1
problem with org.apache.hive.hive-jdbc version
#68 opened by ripoul - 9
Spark 2 with metastore
#61 opened by explicite - 1
Oozie sharelib location issue
#63 opened by zied2 - 2
- 2
#58 opened by maggiemagnuson - 3
Bump to HDP 2.6.5
#64 opened by explicite - 5
- 2
Support for Kafka 0.10.x and 0.11.y
#48 opened by timvw - 4
kafka_2.10 to kafka_2.11
#44 opened by zqhxuyuan - 1
support request - dfs mini cluster
#57 opened by saranheartmail - 1
Publish for HDP
#54 opened by explicite - 2
NPE when using KdcLocalCluster
#51 opened by ekohlwey - 0
Support for Hive ACID Merge feature
#56 opened by sampathsree - 4
- 2
- 2
release 0.1.14 not on maven central
#46 opened by jetoile - 1
Wrong FS Error when trying to run Local Oozie Server together with Mini HDFS Cluster
#43 opened by Srogozins - 2
java.lang.NoSuchMethodError when trying to use hadoop-mini-clusters-yarn for Spark tests
#42 opened by Srogozins - 7
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Knox issues after upgrading to HDP
#35 opened by sakserv - 9
Hbase reset info server is not stopped
#33 opened by artur-tamazian - 5
- 1
oozie-mini-cluster fails with "real" workflow. Seems like oozie shared lib misconfigured
#30 opened by seregasheypak - 3
Connecting to Storm MiniCluster via NimbusClient
#32 opened by creed30 - 4
How can this rep help me?
#28 opened by augustoamerico - 1
Possible errors in examples
#27 opened by dragan-vujovic - 3
- 2
Error Using HdfsLocalCluster
#22 opened by AvihayTsayeg - 1
Add support for HDP
#20 opened by sakserv - 6
Add support for 2.5.0
#17 opened by bml - 6
HBase mini cluster fat jar
#18 opened by viktorpi - 3
Error when using Kafka and Zookeeper
#16 opened by samuelsayag - 3
- 6
#7 opened by mohnishkodnani - 5
2.4.0 Support
#12 opened by bml - 1
KafkaServer API changes
#10 opened by sakserv - 0
Add support for HDP
#8 opened by sakserv - 2
oozie shared lib
#2 opened by mohnishkodnani - 8
- 7
HBase dependencies out of synch
#3 opened by bml