
Extracted text from blogs by "insights.blackcoffer.com" using BeautifulSoup and sentiment is analyzed using pandas module.

Primary LanguageJupyter Notebook

Web Scraping and Sentiment Analysis

This Project extracts text from some blogs posted by BlackCoffer and analyze the sentiment of the text.

This Project is developed using Python programming languages by utilising modules like BeautifulSoup(or bs4) and pandas.

How to use it ?

  • Install Python3 from here.
  • Make sure that pip is also installed in your system and type the commands below :
 pip install bs4
 pip install pandas
 pip install openpyxl
 pip install jupyter
  • Download this repository from here.

  • Extract the downloaded zip file and open the extracted folder.

  • If you just wanted to view the output, then open Output_File.xlsx.

  • But if you wanted to run the scripts, then open main.ipynb file and click on "Run All" button in the top bar.

    Developer Info:

  • Developed by Saksham Joshi.

  • @Portfolio

  • @Linkedin

  • @GitHub

  • @X(Twitter)