Sample of in Dark Mode | Sample of in Light Mode |
<img src="PATH" alt="IMAGE_DESCRIPTION" width=100%>
- Add an image source: Upload a png, svg, jpeg or gif and replace PATH in the image tag with the url/path
- Add alternate text: Replace the IMAGE_DESCRIPTION in the image tag with a short description of the image for better accessibility
To customize your cards, check out the source code
![My Github Stats](]
![Top Langs](]
- Replace INSERT_USERNAME with your GitHub username in the parameter username=INSERT_USERNAME in both cards
Note: I'd reccomend updating these once a week, maybe each Sunday afternoon
- Topic_name
- Project_name - GitHub Repo | Demo
- Community_name - Website | GitHub Org
<a href="SOCIAL_PROFILE"><img src = ""></a>
- Replace SOCIAL_PLATFORM to the social media handle of your choice (eg: LinkedIn, Twitter, etc.)
- Replace SOCIAL_PROFILE to the link to your profile on the social media platform
- Replace SOCIAL_HANDLE to your username on the social media platform
<img src="PATH" alt="IMAGE_DESCRIPTION" width=50px>
- Add an image source: Upload a png, svg, jpeg or gif and replace PATH in the image tag with the url/path
- Add alternate text: Replace the IMAGE_DESCRIPTION in the image tag with a short description of the image for better accessibility