
Change IP geolocation in Real Devices with Appium Cucumber on LambdaTest cloud.

Primary LanguageRuby

How to change IP geographic location in Ruby Cucumber with Appium on LambdaTest

While performing app automation testing with appium on LambdaTest Grid, you may face a scenario where you would like to simulate location of a specific country. You can easily do that by using the lambdatest capability "GeoLocation" and refer the 2-letter country code in the automation script. You can refer to sample test repo here


The following is an example on how to set geoLocation in the capabilities in your automation script.

Appending the code in first.config.yml:

server: "mobile-hub.lambdatest.com"

  "user": "username"
  "accessKey": "accesskey"
  "project": "First Cucumber Android Project"
  "build": "build-1"

    "platformName": "iOS"
    "platformVersion": "12.0"
    "deviceName": "iPhone 8"
    "app": "lt://"
    "name": "first_test"
    "isRealMobile": "true"

Run your test

bundle exec rake first

Your test results would be displayed on the test console (or command-line interface if you are using terminal/cmd) and on the LambdaTest App Automation Dashboard.

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